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Associação Portuguesa de Self Storage

A Associação Portuguesa de Self Storage é a associação empresarial de referência em Portugal para a defesa dos interesses dos seus membros, quer estes sejam operadores de Self Storage quer estes sejam fornecedores deste ramo de actividade.  A Associação começou a ser formada em setembro de 2019 e o ano de 2020 será o primeiro ano efectivo de actividade. A missão da SSA Portugal é: Definir as normas para o sector de Self Storage. Promover a indústria de Self Storage em Portugal Realizar e publicar estudos específicos sobre a indústria de Self Storage  Assegurar um fórum de lobby para promover os interesses do setor de Self Storage  junto das autoridades e restantesórgãos estatutários. Formar um fórum para discussão e debate entre osseus  membros por meio de um conjunto de eventos, incluindo uma conferência nacional anual e  as necessárias reuniões regionais. Elevar a conscientização junto do publico em geral sobre os benefícios da existência da actividade de Self Storage 
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Pontos a considerar ao selecionar uma empresa de armazenamento / SELF STORAGE Nem todas as empresas de SELF STORAGE são iguais pelo que é conveniente garantir que o fornecedor escolhido responde às suas necessidades. Aqui estão 10 pontos a considerar ao decidir com quem armazenar os seus bens: PONTO 1 -  Cumprimento da Norma Europeia / membro permanente da SSA Portugal Existe uma norma europeia para a actividade de SELF STORAGE que especifica as condições mínimas de segurança e de proteção ao cliente. Todos os membros da SSA Portugal devem respeitar esta norma para permanecer como membro de pleno direito da associação. Assim, a melhor maneira de verificar se o seu fornecedor de SELF STORAGE respeita a norma europeia europeu é confirmar que o mesdmo é um membro da SSA Portugal. PONTO 2 - Princípio Um Espaço Uma Chave O SELF STORAGE tem a ver com ter um espaço fora de casa onde guardar bens seus. Apenas o próprio deve ter acesso ao seu espaço de SELF STORAGE e, salvo indicaçã


Parte da missão da SSA Portugal consiste em definir as normas para a actividade de Self Storage e promover as melhores práticas. Para conseguir este objectivo, os nossos membros obrigam-se a cumprir as normas e as regras da nossa Associação. O conjunto de normas e regras da SSA Portugal configura um padrão reconhecido e apenas os membros que cumprem estes critérios são autorizados a usar o logotipo da SSA Portugal em todas as peças de comunicação, material  de marketing e no website como prova que se mantém em conformidade com os mesmos. Para obter mais informações ou avaliar a admissão da sua empresa na SSA Portugal, pode entrar em contacto connosco [ LINK CONTACTOS ] /******/ ENGLISH VERSION Industry Standard Part of the SSA Portugal’s mission is to set the standard for the industry and to promote best practise. To achieve this all our members have to meet our membership standard. The SSA Portugal membership standard is a recognised standard and members (Full) who mee

FAQ's - Perguntas frequentes para Utilizadores de SELF STORAGE

/******/ ENGLISH VERSION FAQ for self storage users 1. What is self storage? 2. Why use self storage? 3. How can I find a facility near to me? 4. How do I know I can trust them? 5. What if I want to access my stored objects at short notice? 6. How long do I have to rent the space for? 7. How much does it cost? 8. What can I store? 9. Will my possessions be safe? 10. Will my storage space be private? 11. Will I need to insure my items? 12. Is self storage only useful for big items? 13. What could happen to my goods if I fail to pay my storage bill? /*****/ Q01 - What is self storage? A01 - SELF STORAGE is the term applied to secure storage facilities that offer do-it-yourself storage space for members of the public and businesses. In essence it’s your own tailored secure space away from home or the business. /********/ Q02 - Why use self storage? A02 - There are a number of reasons to use self storage, whether for domestic or commercial use self


/******/ ENGLISH VERSION Publications To keep members and industry professionals informed of the latest developments in Europe’s self storage sector the SSA Portugal publishes the quarterly UNLOCKED Magazine (formerly Focus). The Association also produces the Annual  Industry Repor t in association with JLL offering an insight into the self storage industry in Portugal. FEDESSA European Annual Survey 2018 Download your copy of the 2018 European Self Storage Survey here This is the seventh consecutive annual survey carried out by the Federation of European Self Storage Associations (FEDESSA) among its member associations and their member companies and the third to be produced in conjunction with property advisers JLL. This survey has been produced with input from operators to help quantify the size and drivers of the industry across Europe. We hope it will be a useful reference point for investors and operators in this growing and dynamic market. This year


History of the business Self Storage facilities first appeared in the United States of America in the 1960’s and since that time the industry has grown to account for nearly 53,000 facilities across the country. Self Storage did not arrive in the United Kingdom until the early 1980s, initially in the London area, but today there are more than 1700 facilities found across the country and this equates to approximately 44.6 million square feet of rentable space. There are a number of reasons why both consumers and businesses are increasingly turning to self storage, but the primary reasons remain social factors such as moving home, marriage, divorce, retirement and for businesses self storage proves useful for a number of reasons including storing archive, stock or office equipment.  In addition to this, public awareness of the industry (often because of high visibility centres found on major arterial roads around most of the country’s leading cities and towns) has also contributed


/******/ ENGLISH VERSION Terms and conditions Membership types There are two types of membership of the Self Storage Association: Associate (Provisional) membership: For any potential or start-up operator leading on to Full membership once the operator is up and running and the membership criteria has been met. Full Operator membership: Open to any Portuguese based operator (subject to membership criteria available from the SSA Portugal). Membership year The SSA Portugal membership year runs from 1 Jan to 31 Dec Membership applications Applications for membership are completed using the respective application form.  Note: All operator members join the association as provisional members.  Full Operator membership is subject to your company and facilities meeting the SSA Portuguese Membership Standard which includes a site-visit from a member of the SSA staff to confirm you meet the criteria. Membership fees The annual membership fee for O